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新頭殼newtalk 2012.06.14 翁嫆琄/台北報導


擁有60多年歷史的瑞典車廠Saab因重整失敗,前最大股東通用汽車擔心公司的智財權落入中國車廠手中,因此拒絕中國浙江青年蓮花汽車公司的收購要求,Saab的執行長穆勤(Victor Muller)只好在2011年12月19日正式宣布破產。

因聲請破產,Saab截自目前為止是由法院管理者接管系統流理台,包括Anne-Marie Pouteaux - Wistrand聯合律師事務所、Hans L. Bergqvist - Delphi聯合律師事務所等破產管理者在13日共同召開記者會,說明已與『NEVS瑞典國家電動汽車National Electric Vehicle Sweden』簽定協議台灣伴手禮,收購Saab汽車的主要資產,包括Saab汽車公司、Saab動力總成公司及Saab工具公司。

NEVS是由日本油漆工程行、瑞典、中國的股東組成的國際控股集團,完成收購後,該公司預計將建立一個新的汽車合資企業,專門研發及製造電動車。按計畫,研發的第一款車型將以現行的Saab 9-3為基礎,採用日本的電動車技術,修改成電力驅動,目標是在2013~2014年間上市,希望藉此掌握全球日趨成長的電動車市場。



另外,在台灣售出的新車及原廠認證中古車沙發工廠,也將持續提供完整保固。至於原本預計將上市的Saab 9-3 Turbo4車款,發售情況也不會受影響,將按照原先計畫如期上市。

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新加坡2012年6月14日電 /美通社亞洲/ -- 全球最大的電子和維修產品服務分銷商 Electrocomponents plc 集團公司(LSE:ECM)旗下的貿易品牌RS Component新增了2,000多種自動化和控制澎湖旅行社產品新模型,進一步擴充其廣泛的網上三維CAD 模型庫。這些模型均來自業內領先製造商,如Siemens、Omron、SMC、Parker Legris、Ace Products及Nuvotem等。這些可於 RS Components 網站免費下載的模型具備卓越的功能,能讓工程師及機械和面板建造師有效縮短設計時間,在競爭日益激烈的維修市場中佔有優勢。

RS Components模型庫現在擁有總數逾30,000款獲認證的完整電子及機械元件三維 CAD 模型,提供多達23種中立及原生三維 CAD 格式的全新模型供註冊用戶免費下載,讓其匯入各種受歡迎的 CAD 套件中使用。工程師可藉此自由選擇他們偏好的CAD軟體套件進行機械設計,達成更快速的產品整合。為方便用戶辨別零件並加快產品下單的處理速度,每一款三維模型均標有 RS Components 零件編號系統家具。這些新模型涵蓋 RS Components 完整的自動化和控制產品,包括最新的可程式邏輯控制器、氣動控制器和元件、工業控制器及開關和安全元件。

Electrocomponents 維修部經理 Kevin Thompson 表示:「今日的工程師無時無刻都在想方法縮短設計時間,而更短的設計週期更是攸關項目成敗的關鍵。透過在設計流程中使用我們免費的三維 CAD 模型墾丁哪裡好玩,我們的客戶可以省下從頭建立模型需要耗費的大量寶貴時間。而這只是 RS 為全球維修及電子工程師開發具備可靠技術的網上資源所推出的眾多計劃之一倉儲管理。」

關於 RS Components

RS Components 和 Allied Electronics 為全球最大的電子和維修產品分銷商 Electrocomponents plc 旗下的貿易品牌。集團利用遍佈32個國家的運營網絡,透過互聯網、目錄和櫃檯為一百多萬個客戶提供服務刺青,分銷550,000多款產品,同日訂單發貨件數高達46,000多件。集團分銷的產品來自2,500家領先供應商,涵蓋包括電子、自動化和控制、TEST和測量、電氣和機械在內的元件。

Electrocomponents 集團已在倫敦證券交易所上市,截至2012年3月31日的上個財政年度的營業收入為12.7億英鎊。

欲瞭解更多資訊,請瀏覽我們的網站: www.rs-components.com。

編輯部聯絡人 :

RS Components

Tan Soo Chun




The Hoffman Agency

Rasheed Abu Bakar / Ian Lee

電話: +65-6361-0250

電郵: rscomponentsteam@hoffman.com

欲知更多內容,請瀏覽下方連結 :

Linkedin: RS Components


Electrocomponents plc


RS Components




轉載自~ 美通社


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RICS 提交予發展局有關起動東九龍項目的政策建議重點

香港2012年6月13日電 /美通社亞洲/ -- 英國皇家特許測量師學會 (「The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors」或簡稱"RICS")成立了「起動九龍東工作小組」,目的為增加商業用地網頁設計,維護香港在區域內的競爭力。該小組早前提供一個政策框架予發展局參考宜蘭民宿

RICS 香港根據英國倫敦碼頭區、金絲雀碼頭、日本幕張展覽區及新加坡濱海灣等外國案例研究結果,認為政府需為九龍東制定一個長遠規劃,在未來15至20年內為市民打造一個工作、生活及娛樂集一身的地方。
















洪焯華先生/ 曾佩儀小姐

電話: +852-2372-0090

傳真: +852-2372-0490

手提: +852-9254-9250/ +852-6108-5435

電郵: andy@creativegp.com / polly@creativegp.com

新聞提供: 美通社


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澳洲央行 (RBA) 總裁 Glenn Stevens 周三表示,澳元強勢對國家有益,因為強勢澳元可擴散礦業榮景的收益個人信貸,並提高消費者的購買力。

Glenn Stevens 表示關鍵字行銷,澳洲企業將須適應澳元持續的漲勢,員工也將須提高生產力。

澳元持續盤元在兌美元平價的水準附近高雄幼稚園,Stevens 也確認澳元的強勢挫傷了部分產業,例如製造業,但他認為這樣強勁的匯率也提升了消費者的消費能力大台北地區木工裝潢,並壓低了進口貨物的成本日本房地產

Stevens 出席澳洲政府舉行的經濟論壇時表示:「過去 6 至 8 年間,生產力成長一直明顯趨緩。」

轉載自~ 鉅亨網


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On June 27, 2012, China Petrochemical Development Corporation (“CPDC”) will hold its Annual General Meeting. The most critical ballot item for this year’s meeting is the election of directors, including two independent directors. Because of the LeaLea Enteprise Co., Ltd. (“LeaLea”) has recently disseminated false accusations to defame CPDC’s board and management team. The chairman & CEO, Sheen, Ching-Jing thereby sent a letter to CPDC’s shareholds to clarify some of the issues raised in these materials.

CPDC was state-owned enterprise originally, then listed in the stock market and privately operated according to the Statute of Privatization of Government-Owned Enterprises since 1994. The current management team, Core Pacific Group, has consistently created shareholder value since then.

CPDC is one of a few companies in Taiwan run by professional managers. Unlike many other Taiwanese enterprises, such as LeaLea Group, which are still family-owned, its ownership is clear and simple and hence it does not have the attending obstructions in financial capital. CPDC are transparent and pursue a single goal: maximizing value for its shareholder.

Mr Sheen, Ching-Jing emphasizes that CPDC under his team’s leadership was still able to achieve record performance last year, regardless of the difficulties presented by the extremely adverse global economic conditions. Altogether, CPDC’s team consisting of professional experts to grow CPDC and commit to grow with shareholders with the ultimate goal of maximizing shareholder value.

Mr Sheen’s Letter to shareholders is as following:

Dear Shareholders,

As we approach our 2012 Annual General Meeting (AGM), we recently learned that certain materials containing distorted, untruthful and potentially libelous criticisms have been disseminated by a group of dissident investors, which includes LeaLea Group, its affiliates and a consulting firm led by Alex Lee. Their actions have already greatly damaged CPDC’s reputation and shareholder value, and they fly in the face of CPDC’s core values. I would like to take this opportunity to clarify some of the issues raised in these materials.

CPDC’s current management team has consistently created shareholder value.

CPDC is one of a few companies in Taiwan run by professional managers. Unlike many other Taiwanese enterprises, such as LeaLea Group, which are still family-owned, our ownership is clear and simple and hence we do not have the attending obstructions in financial capital. We are transparent and pursue a single goal: maximizing value for our shareholders.

Although our board experienced a small degree of turnover last year (our former CEO Mr. Heng Feng resigned due to personal health concerns, now still is our subsidiary company’s chairman), CPDC continued to receive profound support from our foreign institutional (FINI) investors. Normally, a CEO’s resignation without cause results in a reduction of institutional shareholders’ holdings and thus causes downward pressure on the stock price. In contrast, our FINI investors not only did not reduce their interests, but also slightly increased their positions in July 2011 (see table below). In addition, our stock price reached a record high since 2005 at the time when the board was first under its current leadership.

This history strongly demonstrates the confidence of our FINI investors in both our BOD and management team.

Furthermore, CPDC under my team’s leadership was still able to achieve record performance last year, regardless of the difficulties presented by the extremely adverse global economic conditions. Altogether, we are truly a team consisting of professional experts to grow CPDC and commit to grow with our shareholders with the ultimate goal of maximizing shareholder value.

On the contrary, the dissidents have continued to buy and sell CPDC’s stock to pursue their personal financial interests, with complete disregard for the interests of CPDC’s other shareholders. They have even reduced their holdings since the AGM record date. For instance, one of the dissidents, Mr. Yan Shian Lu (盧燕賢), who is the largest individual shareholder of CPDC and has allied with LeaLea Group to pursue CPDC’s board seats, began to accumulate CPDC’s stock in March of 2010 when our stock was being traded in the low teens. He continued to accumulate shares of CPDC until our price reached the low $40s, at which point he began to sell his holdings. At one point, Mr. Lu and his affiliate’s aggregate holdings accounted for about 27.61% of CPDC’s outstanding shares. Such a round trip trading has brought him huge profits. The timing of Mr. Lu’s actions has been perfectly coincident with LeaLea Group’s contract breach detailed in next section.

As of record date, Mr. Lu held 17.23% of CPDC shares; he has continued to decrease his holdings to 12.83% as of June 6, 2012 (presumably after securing his voting rights), and according to recent records, his selloff continues.

This liquidation strongly demonstrates that Mr. Lu’s intentions are merely to pursue his own short-term personal financial interests, without any commitments to CPDC’s other shareholders. Nothing about his actions would suggest that he is a long term investor in our company’s stock. Does this sound to you like a shareholder who deserves to be represented on your company’s Board of Directors? I think not.

LeaLea Group, led by Mr. Shau Yi Guo (郭紹儀), has miserable records in its corporate governance practices – it has been charged and fined by the Financial Supervisory Commission several times.

To summarize LeaLea’s numerous corporate governance violations, I have summarized the records published by Financial Supervisory Commission Exchange Yuan and Taiwan Stock Exchange:

Year Violation Records of Regulations - LeaLea Group and its Subsidiary Li Peng Enterprise (1447) Consequences

2010 Article 157 of Securities and Exchanges Act - short-term traded its own stocks Fined with NT$42.64 millionEnforcement of Returning Rights

Mar 2011 Article 43-1 of Securities and Exchange Act – failed to report the acquisition of LeaLea shares Enforced by Securities and Futures Bureau

July – Sept. 2010 Violation of its own Articles of Incorporation – Acquired CPDC’s shares over the limits approved by BOD Fined NT$240,000 by Taiwan Stock Exchange

These records clearly showed that LeaLea Group has repeatedly violated stock trading regulations. Given the fact that LeaLea Group has a complicated shareholder structure and its subsidiaries cross-hold each other’s shares intensively, these records initiate tremendous concerns regarding how LeaLea can assure CPDC’s shareholders that it is accountable for its actions. Along the same lines, this also makes us worry about the potential risks of insider trading and related party transactions. In contrast, CPDC has recently strengthened our own internal controls through the launch of the Code of Ethics and the Management Integrity Code.

In addition to violating government regulations, LeaLea’s corporate governance practices are extremely weak and far below best practice standards. With such a record, we are absolutely not convinced that LeaLea’s current campaign has anything to do with improving CPDC’s corporate governance practices. Below are a few key points highlighted in China Times Weekly on Friday 5/11/2012.

LeaLea Group engaged with its subsidiaries in numerous related party financial transactions. For example, LeaLea funded Li Peng Enterprise’s acquisition of CPDC stock; Li Peng Enterprise is suspected of related party transactions, as it is one of CPDC’s downstream clients.

Although claiming the acquisition of CPDC’s stocks is for long-term investment, LeaLea’s financial report categorized the investment as short term.

LeaLea’s own Board of Directors contains no independent directors.

Among LeaLea’s five directors, some of them are third-degree relatives of the CEO and one of two supervisors is CEO’s direct family.

All shares allocated for LeaLea Group’s 2011 Employee Purchase Plan (targeted to provide broad-based employee incentives) were purchased by Mr. Guo.

LeaLea Group’s conspiracy to erode CPDC’s stock price.

In November 2011, Li Peng Enterprise, we suspect, intentionally violated the purchase agreement contract and resisted to purchase raw materials with agreed amount of 7,500 tons from CPDC. Instead, it only purchased 1,598 tons. Such a contract breach resulted in significant damage to CPDC’s stock price. We instantly raised great concerns to our regulation agencies as well as our shareholders regarding LeaLea Group’s conspiracy. It intentionally concealed its contradictory related party role in order to press down our stock price and disregarded our shareholders’ best interests to achieve its dirty goals – controlling our board. LeaLea’s intention is simple: to control the resources and edge out the other three of CPDC’s downstream customers – LeaLea Group’s competitors – by providing less raw material or increasing the purchase price after securing seats on our board. Those three downstream customers are very concerned about LeaLea Group’s aggressive hostility. They worry that their confidential business information may be revealed if LeaLea Group controls CPDC’s board and have threatened to terminate their business relationships with CPDC.

Broadening our customer base in order to diversify business risks and growing with our customers to sustain long term relationships with them have always been among CPDC’s core values. However, LeaLea Group is just not the candidate we would like to invite to join us in this endeavor. Their poor performance record and role as a related party will not only increase our business risks but will also be damaging to shareholder value. We can hardly imagine the consequences of having them on the board – increasing risks in insider trading, substantial

setbacks in corporate governance enhancements by engaging with related parties to the board, risks of losing clients and unsettled morale of CPDC employees. Thus, to protect our shareholders’ best interests we have also filed litigation regarding LeaLea Group’s violation of Article 19 of the Fair Trade Act and we sincerely hope our government agency can stop this dissident’s greed to pursue their own interests by sacrificing our shareholders’ value.

CPDC has consistently and substantially outperformed LeaLea.

Comparing LeaLea’s EPS between 2009 and 2011 of NT$0.92, NT$2.11, NT$0.88 respectively, CPDC’s NT$1.15, NT$3.52 and NT$5.53 easily outperformed LeaLea Group’s mediocre records (see chart below).

As the chart makes clear, CPDC’s performance has increased dramatically over the last three years, while LeaLea’s performance has been mediocre at best. How could LeaLea’s management team have a better business plan for CPDC when it is quite obviously doing such a poor job of tending its own garden?

With LeaLea Group’s poor performance with respect to both corporate governance and finance, I am confident that this letter can provide a clear and comprehensive insight regarding CPDC’s current management team. Based on our performance record, future business plan, and my personal dedication to continue to invest in CPDC without liquidating my shares, I cordially urge you to vote AGAINST their nominees and vote FOR our nominees.

Should you have any questions about the foregoing or CPDC itself, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Business Manager:

Mr. Ke-Shuan Wang, President +886-2-87878473


Chief Financial Officer:

Mr. Jan-Song Yu, Vice President +886-2-87878370


Deputy General Manager, Shareholder Services:

Mr. Tien-Hsun Huang, Associate +886-2-87871194



Mr. Ching-Shien Yang, Vice President +886-2-87878460


Very sincerely yours,

Sheen, Ching-Jing沈慶京

Chairman & CEO of CPDC

轉載自~ 台灣醒報網頁設計鳳梨酥個人信貸關鍵字行銷高雄幼稚園


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